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Nutzer/innen mit den meisten unterschiedlichen Definitionen
- Uwe
- [72 Definitionen]
- Rebecca
- [14 Definitionen]
- Kiuppis
- [10 Definitionen]
- Sandra
- [9 Definitionen]
Nutzer/innen mit den meisten Definitionen aus unterschiedlichen Ländern
- Uwe
- [55 Länder]
- Kiuppis
- [10 Länder]
- Rebecca
- [5 Länder]
- Frank J.
- [4 Länder]
- Nina
- [2 Länder]
Definitionen anzeigen
- Definition:
- "The concept of inclusion accepts that students learn and use their learning differently. Inclusion is an effort to ensure that students with special educational needs attend schools along with their siblings, friends and neighbours, while also receiving the specially designed instruction and support they need to succeed as learners and to aspire to achieving the highest possible standards. Inclusion refers to the opportunity for persons with special needs to participate fully in all of the educational, employment, consumer, recrational , community and domestic activities that typify everyday society."
- Autor/in:
- Ministry of Education
- Typ:
- Artikel
- Jahr:
- 2008
- Seiten des Beitrags:
- National Report on the Development of Education in Trinidad and Tobago
- Internet-Adresse (URL):
- http://www.ibe.unesco.org/National_Reports/ICE_2008/trinidadtobago_NR08.pdf
- Sprache:
- Englisch
- Land:
- Trinidad und Tobago
- Seite des Zitats:
- 18
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