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Nutzer/innen mit den meisten unterschiedlichen Definitionen
- Uwe
- [72 Definitionen]
- Rebecca
- [14 Definitionen]
- Kiuppis
- [10 Definitionen]
- Sandra
- [9 Definitionen]
Nutzer/innen mit den meisten Definitionen aus unterschiedlichen Ländern
- Uwe
- [55 Länder]
- Kiuppis
- [10 Länder]
- Rebecca
- [5 Länder]
- Frank J.
- [4 Länder]
- Nina
- [2 Länder]
Definitionen anzeigen
- Definition:
- "General categories from preschool and classroom data were:
• Exclusion: 3 types – i) active exclusion, ii) passive exclusion/ignoring, iii) teasing
• Ineffective or Illusory Inclusion: 8 types – mostly consisted of:
i) Assigning child inferior roles, such as baby, pet, subordinate or object
ii) Including child to take risks for own purposes (e.g. to steal)
iii) Engagement in a narrow range of roles only (e.g. polite interchanges, occasional
• Facilitative Inclusion, which involved:
i) Participation in: equal status, reciprocal relationships and
ii) Engagement in the full range of roles pertinent for that setting (from politeness to friendships)."
- Autor/in:
- Rietveld, Christine M.
- Typ:
- Artikel
- Jahr:
- 2003
- Titel des Beitrags:
- Parents, Preschools/Schools and Professionals: Impact of Relationships
- Anlass:
- Child and Family Policy Conference
- Internet-Adresse (URL):
- http://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/bitstream/10092/1933/1/12606863_Rietveld.pdf
- Sprache:
- Englisch
- Land:
- Neuseeland
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