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Nutzer/innen mit den meisten unterschiedlichen Definitionen
- Uwe
- [72 Definitionen]
- Rebecca
- [14 Definitionen]
- Kiuppis
- [10 Definitionen]
- Sandra
- [9 Definitionen]
Nutzer/innen mit den meisten Definitionen aus unterschiedlichen Ländern
- Uwe
- [55 Länder]
- Kiuppis
- [10 Länder]
- Rebecca
- [5 Länder]
- Frank J.
- [4 Länder]
- Nina
- [2 Länder]
Definitionen anzeigen
- Definition:
- The concept of inclusion "... expresses commitment to educate each child, to the maximum extent appropriate, in the school and classroom the student
would otherwise attend. It involves bringing the support services to the child, rather than moving the child to the services, and requires only that the child benefit from being in the class, rather than having to keep up with the other students. This has further led to the concept of full inclusion in which all students, regardless of the handicapping condition or severity, will be in a regular class room full time." All services must be taken to the
child in that setting."
These concepts have
- Autor/in:
- L. Govinda Rao
- Typ:
- Artikel
- Jahr:
- 2008
- Seiten des Beitrags:
- S205-S212
- Titel der Zeitschrift:
- Salud Publica Mex
- Titel des Beitrags:
- Education of persons with intellectual disabilities in India.
- Heft:
- 50 suppl 2
- Jahrgang:
- 2008
- Internet-Adresse (URL):
- http://www.scielosp.org/pdf/spm/v50s2/a14v50s2.pdf
- Sprache:
- Englisch
- Land:
- Indien
- Seite des Zitats:
- S207
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