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Nutzer/innen mit den meisten unterschiedlichen Definitionen
- Uwe
- [72 Definitionen]
- Rebecca
- [14 Definitionen]
- Kiuppis
- [10 Definitionen]
- Sandra
- [9 Definitionen]
Nutzer/innen mit den meisten Definitionen aus unterschiedlichen Ländern
- Uwe
- [55 Länder]
- Kiuppis
- [10 Länder]
- Rebecca
- [5 Länder]
- Frank J.
- [4 Länder]
- Nina
- [2 Länder]
Definitionen anzeigen
- Definition:
- "Inclusive education is the practice that provides school experiences to children with special needs, in the same school and classrooms they would have attended anyway had they not had special needs. It is a process during which all children, regardless of
their abilities and need, participate in the same school ... The main
purpose of this process, then, is the education of all children, regardless of differences, difficulties and problems, and to maintain a vision of a school for all. Such a school accepts all children, understands their individuality and responds to their individual needs: a school for all is a place where every child can develop according to his/her abilities, skills and talents."
- Autor/in:
- Angelides, Panayiotis; Charalambous, Charis;Vrasidas, Charalambos
- Typ:
- Artikel
- Jahr:
- 2004
- Verlag:
- Routledge
- Seiten des Beitrags:
- 211-223
- Titel der Zeitschrift:
- European Journal of Special Needs Education
- Titel des Beitrags:
- Reflections on policy and practice of inclusive education in pre-primary schools in Cyprus
- Heft:
- 2
- Jahrgang:
- 2004
- Internet-Adresse (URL):
- http://vrasidas.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/inclusionejsne.pdf
- Sprache:
- Englisch
- Land:
- Zypern
- Seite des Zitats:
- 212
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